archaeology adventures

Go on a Dig!

Thirty years ago, few people knew about the opportunities to participate on an archaeological dig.  Now, it is becoming an increasingly popular activity for people who wish to volunteer and have some fun learning about the past by actually digging up and handling the material remains   These material remains that are recovered are called artifacts.  They are collected, stored and studied by archaeologists to gain knowledge about how and where  people lived. Archaeologists also uncover old or ancient walls, roads, other structures and human skeletal remains. 

You can help as a volunteer or as a student.  Because there is so much work to be done and only a certain amount of time in which to do it, many archaeological digs need as much help as they can get from people who are willing to roll up their sleeves and pitch in and learn.  Volunteers and students are in turn rewarded with the excitement of discovering ancient artifacts, building features and human remains that have not been seen or touched for perhaps hundreds or even thousands of years.  Many of these digs allow young individuals in high school and even elementary school pupils to participate under the supervision of professional archaeologists. To the right is a listing of the best sources on the Internet for dig opportunities, whether you wish to participate as a student or as a volunteer.

Where to Look

Here are the best places to look on the Internet for dig opportunities.  These are links, so you will need to click on them to obtain detailed information:

Archaeological Digs: This is an informational weblog that serves as a "one-stop shop" portal with links to the best sites.  It also features posts or articles about specific dig opportunities.

Crow Canyon Archaeological Center: This organization offers excellent programs for everyone, including youth and families, introducing them to the amazing archaeology of the ancient pueblo culture of the American Southwest.

Local Sources

Many archaeology departments connected with major historical sites have programs that allow both adult and youth participation in their digs. Check out the major historical sites in the area where you live for more information.